Thursday, February 16, 2012

Stress and some current crushes

Oy vey. Yesterday was not a "sunny side" sort of day. It began with a 5am wake-up call and ended with me sleeping on the couch so I didn't wake M up as I went on a late night crying jag for no apparent reason.

Well, in reality the reason was stress (And hormones. Gotta love those bad boys). Stress that's been building up over the past weeks and all came to a head yesterday with a M having a crazy busy work schedule, a day-long job interview for moi, and the pup's first day of doggy daycare. The baby was fine of course and had a lovely day but that doesn't mean I didn't worry about him all day while simultaneously trying to come across as witty and charming and bright for my interviewers. Not sure I actually accomplished that at all but at least I didn't spill anything on my clothes at lunch.

After the hot mess that was yesterday I decided to indulge in a little fantasy online retail therapy. Below are a few items I'm currently liking. I might actually try a few of them on in person this weekend but no new purchases for me until this whole jobless situation is rectified.

Pieced Colum Dress- Anthro

It seems the blogosphere is quite polarized by this dress. You either love it or you hate it. Personally I think its cute and would probably work quite well with my curvy (read: somewhat out of shape) figure. I'd like to try this one on at my local Anthro store over the weekend. I'll make sure to post a fitting room review if I do.

Spindrift sweatshirt- J. Crew

This seemingly simple sweatshirt from J. Crew has a lot going for it in my mind. First, its striped which is always chic and also quite trendy right now. Second, its a lovely shade of blue that is perfect for both late-winter and early spring wear. Third, it fits quite well with the layering look of blouse topped by tissue sweater or sweatshirt I've been rocking lately. Totally stole this meme from Linda by the way. She rocks this type of look all the time on her blog and always looks so effortlessly chic. A bonus to the whole sweatshirt over blouse dress code: M loves it on me for some reason. He's often less than thrilled with some of my sartorial choices (though he's often gracious and complements me anyway. A good man...) but this look he digs.

Slim cropped refined pants- Gap
I'm loving the slim cropped silhouette that seems to still be popular this spring. And these cute cropped skinny pants from the Gap are certainly more affordable than J. Crew's très popular Minnie pant. Although to be fair to J. Crew the Minnie pant does come in many more colors. Yeah, yeah I know what Angie from You Look Fab says about cropped pants but frankly I think she's completely wrong. They can work for LOTS of different types of women. You don't have to be rail-thin with long legs to work this look. Adding heels helps a lot of ladies and those of us with naturally long legs (and thus short of torso) can get away with wearing flats with these pants as well. Plus, you can essentially turn these babies into four season pants if you tuck them into tall boots in the fall and winter. A win-win for the budget-conscious folks like me.

Okay, these are just a few items I've been drooling over lately! I thought a happy fluffy little post might help brighten the mood over here at casa sunny side and I was right! Now if only I had the dough to score a couple of these items for myself... ah a girl can dream. 

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